Dispose Cooking Oil Efficiently With Japanese Cooking Oil Solidifier
Do you often find yourself in quite the predicament, worrying about how to throw away oil after frying your favourite fried goodies? Or does the hassle of disposing oil after frying put you off frying completely? Don’t fret as Japan has you covered with the ACTUAL best way to dispose of cooking oil; a little well kept secret of all Japanese cooking Gods & Goddesses – cooking oil solidifiers! One of the many environmentally friendly products from Japan, this special powder will give you that lease of frying life that you’ve been craving! So go ahead and enjoy your fried chicken, tempura and fritters without that “urgh… the oil!?” feeling looming over you. Let the savvy oil solidifying agent do the hard job for you.
How To Dispose Oil In 3 Easy Steps
I know, I know… I hadn’t heard of anything like it either but it literally does what it says – it solidifies hot oil! Waste oil disposal has never been so easy as the steps from liquid to solid are as simple as 1, 2, 3! Simply add the powder to the hot oil (once you’ve finished cooking of course), stir until the product melts, enjoy an after dinner beverage whilst the oil cools and becomes solid. You see, it’s so easy. The special components within the powder make the oil harden as the oil cools, creating much less work and mess for you. You can literally place the solid oil into the bin. No need for separate rubbish bags as it can be tossed in with your normal rubbish. For me, it’s the best way to dispose of cooking oil since sliced bread and a true game changer in kitchen clean up.

Another advantage of this product is that it can be used with any type of oil too! So there’s no need to change your oil preferences. This box contains 10 packets and you need to use approximately 1 packet per 600ml of oil so it does last quite a while (depending on how often you like to fry). If you need any more or less you can easily adjust the amount accordingly.
Save The Environment
Are you guilty of dumping oil down the drain? Or getting flustered about having to find a suitable non-recyclable container that doesn’t leak (nothing worse than spilt oil at the bottom of your bin) to dump your oil in so that you can finally chuck it in the bin? Don’t worry… we’ve all been there but you can change that (like me) with this cooking oil solidifier. When we tip the oil down the drain, not only does it create blockage once it settles down in the pipes and eventually leads to MORE clean up… but it also isn’t good for our earth as it can cause havoc for wildlife. So not only is this product unbelievably useful as it eliminates all of those woes but it’s also a great eco shopping item as it helps protect the earth. It’s made from plant derived ingredients so it’s a safe product that won’t harm the environment either. You can check this one off the list of environmentally friendly products.
Effective Waste Oil Disposal
I happily give this FULL MARKS as it makes my kitchen oil torments a delight. Once you try this cooking oil hardener, you’ll wonder how you ever fried without it! In Japanese it’s called temple… perhaps as it’s the holy grail of kitchen cleaning supplies? What’s funny is that as a waste product remover it’s ironically not a waste at all! So enjoy those crunchy, fried treats without mess or stress over oil ever again. Get yours whilst stock last at Zak Zakka.