Shupatto is not an ordinary shopping bag. It has been sold over seven million bags so far. People usually buy things when they are useful, and reasonable in price.
A massive hit! More than 700 million sales! The most amazingly designed Eco bags are on sale at Zakzakka! Small and cool but with big capability, I give you the ‘Shupatto’ Eco bag!
Shupatto is the name and a foldable shopping bag is the game! The UK shops and supermarkets started charging for their plastic bags quite a while ago in order to reduce plastic waste. Japan is slowly but surely following in those footsteps and the “my bag” eco bag craze is finally catching on.
If you’re on the market for a nifty product to make your day-to-day chores more chipper then perhaps the multipurpose Japanese cotton tea towel is a winner for you! Don’t your dishes, and your hands deserve the best? Give yourself something to look forward to with these beautifully designed tea towels.